Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Lately I have been having a difficult time remembering my dreams since Abby and I have been here in Alabama (I've come to terms with the fact that I do dream even when I don't remember the dreams in the morning). I think its a combination of a hard bed, new surroundings, and the fact that I'm constantly trying to think if I have something to do for my training the next day.

I have a game on my phone called Bejeweled. Its a lot of fun. You have to move the gems so there's 3 in a row so they disappear. Its quite addicting. Last night I played for almost an hour (I know that Abby loves to watch World Series of Poker, but its really not my thing). While I don't remember much that went on during my dream last night I do remember that there were lots of these little gems floating around and I was trying to move them into 3's. Funny how the brain works.


  1. that picture makes me want to play! no fair that I can't play games on my phone.

  2. I have come to the conclusion that bejewled is of the Devil (so addicting!). I always play the one on facebook when I should be getting housework done!

  3. I once had a dream that I was on an airplane playing bejeweled all night. No, wait, I was AWAKE on a plane playing bejeweled all night. Boo.
